Texts in the magazine ROGUE

In the nineties, Burkhard Brunn also wrote a series of stories for the Frankfurt culture magazine "ROGUE", the main character of which is the famous comic figure Scrooge Duck, the richest duck in the world.
The texts currently exist only in German.

Warum Onkel Dagobert damals einen Roy Lichtenstein kaufte
Why Uncle Scrooge bought a Roy Lichtenstein at the time
Issue / Date of publication: 06/1993

Wie Christo Onkel Dagobert überzeugt hat
How Christo convinced Uncle Scrooge
Issue / Date of publication: 02/1994

Als Onkel Dagobert sich von Andy Warhol ein Statussymbol malen ließ
When Uncle Scrooge had Andy Warhol paint him a status symbol
Issue / Date of publication: 10/1994

Wie Duane Hanson Onkel Dagobert fast zu Tränen gerührt hätte
How Duane Hanson almost moved Uncle Scrooge to tears
Issue / Date of publication: 12/1994

Wie Hermann Joseph Abs Onkel Dagobert bei Castelli kennenlernte
How Hermann Joseph Abs met Uncle Dagobert at Castelli
Issue / Date of publication: 10/1995